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Our Objectives:

The project aims to adapt existing curricula to create innovative one based on Learning Outcomes for a correspondence to the EU Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels and to implement ECVET points. Also, international guidelines, rules and operational procedures need to be updated for the delivery of theorical and practical training for the European Welding Inspector, in D-EWI scope.

Enhancing training capabilities of VET teachers and trainers and developing of digital educational materials to support implementation of digital technologies for teaching and learning in the field of welding inspections.

To support addressing VET through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity in the field of welding inspection the project has the following specific objectives:

  • O1: International standardisation of practices in e-learning and improving the VET trainers' skill in developing and implementing of digital tools, to foster innovation in welding-related practices;
    The project aims to adapt existing curricula to create innovative one based on Learning Outcomes (LOs) for a correspondence to the EU Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels and to implement ECVET points.
    International guidelines, rules and operational procedures will be updated for the delivery of theoretical and practical training for European Welding Inspector. By implemented of the IOs, it is expected to innovate the training sector by providing further evidence on the effectiveness of the approach and on the availability of harmonised teaching tools and approaches to offer digital training.
  • O2: Developing innovative e-learning educational materials, to improve the level of key competences in welding inspections. Open digital educational materials will be made and used to support implementation of innovative digital technologies for teaching and learning in initial and continuing VET in the field of welds inspections. Practical training of welding inspector is likely to be the most improved area, as the outcomes of the project are expected to innovate the approach to transfer a practical skill into a digital tool.

The D-EWI project’s technical activities are:

  • To develop a "Guide for teachers and VET trainers on implementing and using of e-learning digital tools";
  • To prepare digital educational materials to be use in the learning process, in a professional manner in day-to-day activities of teachers;
  • To put on implementation the specific framework for digital education correlated to the Learning Outcomes for proper implementation of EU Credit system for VET (ECVET), for recognition of the technical skills at EU and International level.

During the implementation of D-EWI project,five multiplying events will be organized in the pro-ject partners' countries to disclose the project results. In addition, two short-term joint staff training will be organized. The aims are to develop the skills of VET trainers in implementing and using of the digital e learning tools, and to develop the skills of the project staff in the field of Welding Inspections.
